The Personal Development Program (PDP) is a pivotal part of our students social-emotional education, helping to develop well-rounded individuals.
The program is guided by the WISE framework, ensuring students cover a wide range of topics related to enhancing their overall wellbeing.
Each year level works through a PDP which is specific to the age, stage and developmental requirements of the students. The learnings and topics covered in the program are often supported through academic classes, special assemblies, chapels, external presentations, cocurricular activities and social action celebrations such as reconciliation week, IDAHOBIT day etc.
Some of the topics covered in the PDP are listed below. Please note this list is not exhaustive as the program remains ever changing to address student needs and trends.
Years 5 and 6
- Creating community
- Personal organisation
- Technology use (safety, platforms, organisation and codes of conduct)
- Digital Wellbeing and looking after yourself online
- Emotional Literacy, stress management, self-compassion and thinking traps
- Personal strengths, learner attributes and goal setting
- Values and leadership
- Respect
- Diversity – respecting and celebrating differences
- Friendship, belonging, social skills and conflict resolution
- Being an upstander
- Wellbeing – mindfulness, self-esteem, self-care and looking after yourself
- Appreciation of other cultures, human rights and making the world a better place
- Moving into the teen years – Relationships and Sexuality – Special presentation for Year 5
- Embracing change – Physical, Social and Emotional changes of puberty – delivered through our Year 5 HPE program
- Managing changes and socialising online – Special presentation for Year 6
- Body Safety – Personal boundaries, consent and communication, seeking help – delivered through our Year 6 HPE program
- Camp – resilience, comfort zones and sustainability
Year 7
- What does it mean to be a St Leonard’s College student? History, values and ethos
- Identity – character strengths
- Exploring values
- Celebrating diversity and differences
- Technology literacy (platforms, organisation and file management)
- Online safety and responding to challenges online – VicPolice
- Time management
- Setting goals and working with feedback
- Respect and relationships
- Friendships, conflict management and resilience
- Screen time and balance
- Being an upstander
- Creating healthy online communities – Project Rockit
- Peer Support Program
- Mental fitness – Gratitude, mindfulness, connection, belonging and helping others
- Study skills – studying for tests, prioritising tasks, goal setting, desk setup and study timetables
- Body image and appearance ideals – Butterfly Foundation
- Camp prep and feedback – resilience and comfort zones
Year 8
- Organisation – using deadlines, appointments and reminders
- Technology literacy – file management, email etiquette, settings and passwords
- Time Management – Diary use, time blocking and longer projects
- Goal Setting – moving beyond grades, progress points, barriers and adapting
- Growth vs fixed mindset
- Safety in the community – public spaces and help seeking
- Equity and diversity, respecting cultural differences
- Camp – leave no trace, resilience and sustainability
- Vaping special presentation (Years 8 and 9 only)
- Personal Wellbeing – mindfulness, mental health, emotion regulation, stress management and self talk
- Character strengths
- Body image, social media, language and labelling – special presentation
- Pornography – special presentation
- Study Skills – study timetables, study techniques, managing distractions and note taking
- Electives – choosing subjects and future planning
Year 9
- Goal Setting – reflecting on assessment feedback
- CUE program – community, urban, environment activities (Year 9 only)
- Cultural Bias and loaded language
- Relationships – perspectives and motives
- Gender and identity
- Bullying and active bystanders
- Study Skills – Elevate Education – special presentation
- Exam Preparation skills – using time effectively, command terms and reading questions
- Hike Preparation – Mapping, sustainability, planning and organisation
- Elephant Ed – Consent and Sexual Relationships – External sessions
- Careers – Building and enhancing resumes, and part time jobs
- Big E preparation – team building, planning and reflection
Years 10 to 12
- Study Skills – setting goals, working to deadlines and managing time
- Leadership – values and qualities of a leader, opportunities for leadership in the College
- Character strengths
- Fostering positive self-image
- Futures – Who am I and where am I going? Career options and electives
- Celebrating Diversity – IDAHOBIT Day and National Reconciliation Week
- Microhabits
- Dealing with stress
- Year 12 Retreat
- Inner child
- Building Character
- Maximising academic potential
- Red Frogs (schoolies presentation)
- Consent and the law – special presentation
- Respectful Relationships – Understanding respect, relationship skills and respectful actions – external presentation – Year 10 only