St Leonard's College | Independent School Melbourne

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Our cocurricular choral program, spanning Prep to Year 12,  ensures that every student, regardless of experience, can find their voice in the enchanting realm of choirs.
Unauditioned Choirs:
Our Choral Program begins with unauditioned choirs, providing the perfect starting point for musical exploration. All students are encouraged to embrace the transformative power of singing, laying the foundation for their musical journey at St Leonard’s. Our unauditioned choirs include:
  • McMillan Minors (Prep to Year 2)
  • McMillan House Choir (Years 3 and 4)
  • Years 5 and 6 Choir
  • Middle School Choir (Years 7 to 9)
  • Senior School Choir (Years 10 to 12)
Auditioned Choral Ensembles:
For those seeking a more specialised musical experience, students have the opportunity to audition for selective choral ensembles. These auditions open doors to smaller ensemble singing, contemporary repertoire, and a cappella mastery. The auditioned choirs include:
  • Years 6 to 8 Auditioned Choir: An entry into the world of smaller ensemble singing.
  • Years 8 to 11 Auditioned Choir: A focus on the richness of contemporary repertoire.
  • Senior Vocal Ensemble (Years 10 to 12): Tackling complex repertoire with a dedicated focus on a cappella singing.